Gypsy's Journal

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My Trees

I have a little obsession with trees. I love all things in God's creation, but I love trees most of all. I feel a deep sense of connection and awe when I look at big trees, and I have yet to see the redwoods. I will one day, but I don't know how I'll handle it.

I love the way trees move and I could look up into trees forever and not get used to them. One nickname I've really thought of taking on is "tree shaman". Not that I'm any kind of a healer, I just liked the phrase.

Far from being a healer, today I've been considering more closely just how much of a teacher I am. I'm afraid of being a teacher. I'd rather only teach my own children because public school or college alike would drive me insane with the beaurocracy of it all. I also really enjoy teaching adults. I wonder if there's a market for that?

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Sand In My Shoes

Dido's "Sand In My Shoes" always puts me in a very reflective, almost romantic mood. It has an amazing power to instantly bring upon me a strong urge to sit down immediatly and write a piece of prose that will stir my emotions ever more deeply.

I'm about to leave the office, but I selected this song especially before I left, and look at me, I'm standing at my desk writing this!

My plants are ready for watering, my daily luggage is packed, all I've left to do is clean my dishes, retrieve my leftovers, and get water for my plants and myself.

Reading "Pride and Prejudice" has put me in a mind of using all sorts of strange language. I keep thinking of things in this deeply complex, romantic way. Maybe this will be good for me - stretch my typical sentance structures. That would be a great benefit to my writing - variation. I certainly don't see much of that!

Tomorrow I should write about my trees.

Musing - the first

This is my first musing on this blog, but it will not be the last.

I fully intend to write to everyone's disgust in this journal, until I can write not a word more. I have long gone with too much regard for time and opinion, but the time has come to find a more proper outlet for my creative non-talent. I must get it all out, no matter how pittifully I do it. I'll be like Emily, just starting on the road to writing mastery. I doubt I'll ever achieve mastery, but it's worth a shot.

As for my user information, what does it benifit me to waste time contriving a description of myself that will sit stagnant? I'll better use my time by constantly evaluating who I am and updating those parts of myself that frequently change.

I'll not spare anyone from the tragedies of my relations or friends, mostly because I plan to tell none of them this blog exists! Ha!