Gypsy's Journal

Friday, March 12, 2010

Plot idea from dream

Italian immigrant man meets/councils woman to help her recover from dysfunction. She goes through enormous changes and when she’s pretty much out grown counseling, he throws a surprise private recovery party for her, then takes her to a concert and confesses his love. Earlier he asks her mother for permission to pursue since it’s a bit of an awkward relationship. The girl senses something is changing with their relationship during the concert and contemplates her feelings/reactions during the concert. They live happily ever after. :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

From a dream: lamenting the loss of a friend.

We were friends for years, but then things changed. Just as I began to fall you learned how to toy with others. I was your first prey. You batted me around like a cat and its mouse. Pet me for a bit and then drop me like I didn't exist. Then just when I'd recover and regain balance, you pounced on me again. Over and over I fell into your trap helpless against your charms, defenceless.

When you disappeared for good the haze cleared and a sense of loss moved into your place. For all that you lost when your friend died and the rest that you intentionally destroyed in the army. For who you were and who you could have been and what we could have been together. I officially mourn the loss of my friend. He is gone forever. Sorry it took me more than a decade to get around to it. You will be missed. Even if I happen to run into what's left of you some day.


Monday, June 29, 2009

Feeling like flowers

I'm in the mood for some ramblers and mums. It's chilly and windy outside on this winter day, and I have a screaming child keeping me down. It's the kind of day that makes me want to run away to a warmer island paradise.


Friday, February 22, 2008

Weekly dose of beauty

This journal was created to be my creative outlet, and it has definitely achieved that end. However, I feel I ought to be using this tool more frequently. Therefore, I plan to use Friday mornings as my weekly "dig deep and find beauty" time.

Here's today's attempt:

Life is budding all around me, but out of reach.
I can hear a bird calling to me from far away.
My unborn child kicks energetically from inside.
Through the window I see gray clouds and gray trees.
But I know that beneath it all is a see of green.
Waiting for Spring to come is the longest day of Winter.


Monday, August 13, 2007

The effects of Brontë

The method employed for the weaving of Jane Eyre is one that entices my imagination and excites my emotions. I can but bear only minimal separation from the story before I must return, quite suddenly, to its lustrous enfolding arms. I find it disturbing to see myself behave this way, as if watching through a window or at a distance, but I cannot help the act. In fact, I am quite unable to elicit any control over my pangs and longings whatsoever.

For something so old and so simple, this story resonates with me with astounding depth. I wonder that I have so long forgotten its powers. I feel, at this moment, that I will never be found to put this book down, but will continually start again at the beginning once the end has been reached. However, I seriously feel as though my time should be spent in more serious activities.

I do rather enjoy, however, the change wrought to my writing when I over indulge in old English. I find the exercise refreshing and soothing in the same stroke.


Monday, April 30, 2007


It's really not nice to hide how to link your blogger to your google ID. Sheesh e_e

Ok, my poetry is soon to take a turn toward angst.

I feel so much anger and I'm so easily set off lately. At this point I'm quite frightened of taking that look inside to face the junk that's setting this off. I'm losing ground on facing my fears. At time is coming when I will do that and it'll probably show up here.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Change in the weather, change in me

I've decided to give out my blogger profile to my friends and family, since it's not just a ton of fun to have a creative journal that nobody reads!

However, I figure this would be the best place to test out some of my more poetic experiments for my Nanowrimo novel. My novel isn't going to be very good, per se, when I finish writing it. I figure a good majority of it will need major revision an rewritting. But the beauty of nanowrimo is that I'll already have a large body of work (50,000 words or 100ish pages) to work with. I won't have to start with a blank plotless page. That's quite a relief.